— interface to manage toplevel icons
This interface allows clients to create toplevel window icons and set them on toplevel windows to be displayed to the user.
— destroy the toplevel icon manager
Destroy the toplevel icon manager. This does not destroy objects created with the manager.
— create a new icon instance
Creates a new icon object. This icon can then be attached to a xdg_toplevel via the 'set_icon' request.
: None
— set an icon on a toplevel window
This request assigns the icon 'icon' to 'toplevel', or clears the toplevel icon if 'icon' was null. This state is double-buffered and is applied on the next wl_surface.commit of the toplevel.
After making this call, the xdg_toplevel_icon_v1 provided as 'icon' can be destroyed by the client without 'toplevel' losing its icon. The xdg_toplevel_icon_v1 is immutable from this point, and any future attempts to change it must raise the 'xdg_toplevel_icon_v1.immutable' protocol error.
The compositor must set the toplevel icon from either the pixel data the icon provides, or by loading a stock icon using the icon name. See the description of 'xdg_toplevel_icon_v1' for details.
If 'icon' is set to null, the icon of the respective toplevel is reset to its default icon (usually the icon of the application, derived from its desktop-entry file, or a placeholder icon). If this request is passed an icon with no pixel buffers or icon name assigned, the icon must be reset just like if 'icon' was null.
: the toplevel to act on -
: None
— describes a supported & preferred icon size
This event indicates an icon size the compositor prefers to be available if the client has scalable icons and can render to any size.
When the 'xdg_toplevel_icon_manager_v1' object is created, the compositor may send one or more 'icon_size' events to describe the list of preferred icon sizes. If the compositor has no size preference, it may not send any 'icon_size' event, and it is up to the client to decide a suitable icon size.
A sequence of 'icon_size' events must be finished with a 'done' event. If the compositor has no size preferences, it must still send the 'done' event, without any preceding 'icon_size' events.
: the edge size of the square icon in surface-local coordinates, e.g. 64
— all information has been sent
This event is sent after all 'icon_size' events have been sent.
— a toplevel window icon
This interface defines a toplevel icon. An icon can have a name, and multiple buffers. In order to be applied, the icon must have either a name, or at least one buffer assigned. Applying an empty icon (with no buffer or name) to a toplevel should reset its icon to the default icon.
It is up to compositor policy whether to prefer using a buffer or loading an icon via its name. See 'set_name' and 'add_buffer' for details.
— destroy the icon object
Destroys the 'xdg_toplevel_icon_v1' object. The icon must still remain set on every toplevel it was assigned to, until the toplevel icon is reset explicitly.
— set an icon name
This request assigns an icon name to this icon. Any previously set name is overridden.
The compositor must resolve 'icon_name' according to the lookup rules described in the XDG icon theme specification[1] using the environment's current icon theme.
If the compositor does not support icon names or cannot resolve 'icon_name' according to the XDG icon theme specification it must fall back to using pixel buffer data instead.
If this request is made after the icon has been assigned to a toplevel via 'set_icon', a 'immutable' error must be raised.
: None
— add icon data from a pixel buffer
This request adds pixel data supplied as wl_buffer to the icon.
The client should add pixel data for all icon sizes and scales that it can provide, or which are explicitly requested by the compositor via 'icon_size' events on xdg_toplevel_icon_manager_v1.
The wl_buffer supplying pixel data as 'buffer' must be backed by wl_shm and must be a square (width and height being equal). If any of these buffer requirements are not fulfilled, a 'invalid_buffer' error must be raised.
If this icon instance already has a buffer of the same size and scale from a previous 'add_buffer' request, data from the last request overrides the preexisting pixel data.
The wl_buffer must be kept alive for as long as the xdg_toplevel_icon it is associated with is not destroyed, otherwise a 'no_buffer' error is raised. The buffer contents must not be modified after it was assigned to the icon. As a result, the region of the wl_shm_pool's backing storage used for the wl_buffer must not be modified after this request is sent. The wl_buffer.release event is unused.
If this request is made after the icon has been assigned to a toplevel via 'set_icon', a 'immutable' error must be raised.
: None -
: the scaling factor of the icon, e.g. 1
: the provided buffer does not satisfy requirements -
: the icon has already been assigned to a toplevel and must not be changed -
: the provided buffer has been destroyed before the toplevel icon